U ovoj zgradi s nekoliko ureda nalazi se i rokerski kafić Podroom. Zgradu je bilo užitak modelirati zbog klasičnog stila i ukrasnog prozora u potkrovlju koji je posebno atraktivan detalj. I dvorišni prostor je pristupačan, ljeti je lijepa terasa tako da se stvarno moglo detaljno sve snimiti i izmodelirati.
I ovu zgradu je gradio Andrija Colussi 1895, i predstavlja izrazitu arhitektonsku vrijednost grada Siska.
This building has several offices and rock club Podroom in the basement. It was a pleasure to model this building for it's classic style and ornamented window in the attic. Backyard is also turned into a nice terrace, avalilable for shooting and later modeling.
This house was also build by Andrija Colussi in 1895 and represents rare architectural value for the town of Sisak.
This building has several offices and rock club Podroom in the basement. It was a pleasure to model this building for it's classic style and ornamented window in the attic. Backyard is also turned into a nice terrace, avalilable for shooting and later modeling.
This house was also build by Andrija Colussi in 1895 and represents rare architectural value for the town of Sisak.
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