Da malo izađemo iz Siska, ovo je model kapele svete Jelene u središtu Omišlja, na Krku. Slikao sam ju na godišnjem odmoru, no tek sad je došla na red. Crkva je sagrađena 1458, obnavljana nekoliko puta, zadnji puta u prošlom stoljeću.
Model je jednostavan bio za napraviti, odlučio sam ovu kapelu raditi u 3d čim sam ju vidio, pa sam zato napravio i dosta fotografija. Zbog strmog terena oko kapele dodao sam stepenice koje ju obuhvaćaju sa svih strana i tako čine sastavni dio građevine.
To take a small break from Sisak buildings i made a model of saint Helen's chapel in the middle of Omišalj, on the island of Krk. I used photos I took during the holiday. It was built in 1458, restored several times, last time in XX century.
It was fairly easy to model. I decided to make it in 3D as soon as I saw it, so i made several photographs of it. Steep terrain makes the stairs that surround the chapped part of a building so I included the stairs in the model.
pogledajte model u 3d Warehouse-u :: take a look at the model in 3d Warehouse
St. Helen chapel :: Kapela sv. Jelene
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