petak, 13. siječnja 2012.

Željeznički most :: Railroad bridge

Najzad i željeznički most preko Kupe kod sisačke rafinerije i groblja. ovaj model sam dugo želio napraviti i imam dosta slika mosta. Osnovnu strukturu sam podigao sa terena preuzetog s Google Maps karte, poradio na  prilazima, zatim oblikovao temelje mosta i na kraju sami most. Potporna mreža je napravljena od prozirnih tekstura napravljenih prema fotografijama, kao i baza mosta - pješačke staze i sama pruga. Teksture temelja su naravno prave, snimljene tijekom ljeta kad sam radio panorame mosta. Dobar pokazatelj preciznosti je to da se struktura bočnih strana savršeno poklopila s vanjskim konturama mosta po broju spojeva. Ovo mi je sada jedan od najdražih modela. Posebnu pažnju sam posvetio tunelu za pješake koji vodi prema Starom gradu.

Finally the railroad bridge over the Kupa at Sisak refinery and cemetary This model I have long wanted to do and I have plenty of pictures of the bridge. I have built the basic structure  from the ground taken from Google Maps and elevated, than i shaped terrain, foundations and the bridge itself. The support structure is made ​​of transparent textures created from photos, as well as the base of the bridge, walkways and tracks itself. The textures are based on the photos taken during the summer when I shot panorama of the bridge. A good indicator of accuracy is that the structure of the sides perfectly coincides with the outer contours of the bridge in the number of compounds. This to me is now one of my favorite models. I have devoted special attention to the pedestrian tunnel leading to the Old Town.


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