nedjelja, 3. ožujka 2013.

Novi most :: Thunder's Bridge

This is one of the recent bridges in Sisak. Model is quite detailed, although I decided not to add to complexity of the model by adding streetlights. Bridge dates from 1970-ies. In 2011 it was re-dedicated to "The Thunders" brigade that played major role in the Croatian war of independence. Some of the textures are simplified, and since it's steel-concrete construction I used mostly default materials.

Jedan od novijih mostova u Sisku. Model je prilično detaljan, iako sam izostavio rasvjetu da ne bude prekompleksan. Most je sagrađen početkom 1970-ih, kao most "Bratstva i jedinstva". 2011 je posvećen gardijskoj brigadi "Gromovi" koji su na ovom području odigrali važnu ulogu u Domovinskom ratu. Neke teksture su pojednostavljene pošto je most većinom betonsko-čelične konstrukcije pa sam uzeo materijale iz Sketchup-a

nedjelja, 3. veljače 2013.

Un Chien Andalou :: An Andalusian Dog

Mesmerising surrealistic fantasy by Louis Bunuel and Salvador Dali depict seemingly random events, most of them revolve around the wooden box. For a while now I wanted to make the model of the box. I used stills and close-ups from the movie to study it's shape and details. I estimate that width is around 22-25 cm and I hope it's to scale. I took the best screenshot i could and used it as a template for a box, as i extruded it to it's full form.

Much to my surprise after I made the model I discovered that the actual box still exists. At least one of them, since there are the differences such as number of stripes and exhibit has no hinges visible, but exhibit had visible holes where belt was fastened to hang from the cycling-nun-guy's neck. I guess one i used were close-up version and several boxes were used, more so since the movie ends with discovery of broken box. I decided to make stripes with wooden textures, as intarsia, even tho now I see stripes are just painted on the lid, at least in exhibited box.

More info about the movie:

Zapanjujuća nadrealistička fantazija Louisa Bunuela i Salvadora Dalija prikazuje naizgled nepovezane događaje, većina kojih se vrti oko drvene kutije. Već neko vrijeme želio sam napraviti model te kutijice. Koristio sam slike izvučene iz filma kako bih proučio detalje, procijenio sam da bi širina kutije mogla biti oko 22 do 25 cm, uzeo sam najbolju sliku poklopca kako bih ju u Sketchup-u izvukao u punu formu.

Iznenadio sam se kad sam vidio nakon što sam napravio model da kutija iz filma još uvijek postoji. Barem jedna verzija, jer postoje razlike između izloška i krupnih planova u broju pruga, izložak nema vidljive šarke, ali na njemu su sa strane rupe gdje je bio pričvršćen remem za koji je kutija visila oko vrata liku muškarca koji se vozi na biciklu u odjeći opatice.  Također sam odlučio zadržati izgled intarzije na poklopcu iako se na slici vidi da su pruge samo naslikane.

Više o filmu:

ponedjeljak, 7. siječnja 2013.

My 250th model :: Moj 250-i model

Celebrating 250-th model accepted in Google Earth! It's been a long but fun ride. I was seasoned modeler when I started and still I learned so much. I'd have much more models if I did simple textured cubes, but I went for realism, optimised for web, naturally, and never regreted it! To celebrate I made long-planned model of suspension bridge in Martinska Ves. unlike other models I relied on textures as little as possible, and re-created suspension beams as closely as possible.

Slavim 250-i model prihvaćen u Google Earth! Put je bio dug, ali zabavan. Već sam bio iskusan modelar kad sam počeo, pa ipak sam puno naučio. Modela bi bilo i više da sam radio jednostavne teksturirane kutije, ali cilj je bio napraviti realističan model, naravno, optimiziran za web i nikad nisam požalio. Da proslavim, napravio sam model visećeg mosta u Martinskoj Vesi. Za razliku od drugih modela teksture su osnovne samo i nastojao sam napraviti strukturu ovjesa što je bliže moguće.